Your story is unique

Ours is too


A passion for books

From our very beginning we have been all about bringing stories to the masses.


Paulo Coelho

In 2015 Lantia Publishing was born as a small high-tech outfit with a focus on self-publishing. We found a clear advantage in the fact that our team was well versed in elements that had been essential to the Fortune 500 companies that were our clients at the time: Speed, precision and fast time to market.

We chose to focus on the European markets, where self-publishing was more mature and offered an opportunity to present a more sophisticated product. Barely a year later newspapers across the globe broke an incredible story: Paulo Coelho was going to start self publishing his books.

This news sent seismic waves through the industry, and made many authors realize that if self-publishing was an option for the best-selling living author in the world it certainly was an option for them.


Pentian & Mary Sheldon

Later that year, at Book Expo America, we presented the most innovative platform to date: Pentian, a crowdfunding book for platforms that enabled authors and readers to become joint publishers and participate in the creative process and the commercial success of new books. What started as an innovative project from a small startup quickly became a reference in the crowdfunding scene.

A few months later, Mary Sheldon, the best selling-novelist daughter of Sidney Sheldon joined the ranks of Pentian authors and published "The Sisters etc." proving once again that new models of publishing were a viable options for new and established authors.


Red Herring Awards

In 2016 Lantia received the Red Herring Top 100 Award in Amsterdam as one of the most innovative companies in Europe.

Just a few months later, a selected group of companies were invited to compite for the Global 100 award, which highlights the same innovation features from startups from all over the world.

In a ceremony celebrated in Los Angeles, Lantia's publishing platform, along some of the algorithms it used to process thousands of manuscripts per month, captured the imagination of the members of the jury who awarded our company with the 2016 Top Global Award.


Lantia & Penguin Random House

In 2017, Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial retained the services of Lantia to manage its self-publishing imprint. In just over two year Caligrama Editorial quickly became the leading imprint for new authors in Spain and LATAM.

The Caligrama Awards have quickly become a reference in the industry since each year a selected number of authors that self-published their book join the ranks of traditionally-published writers with the largest publishing group in the world.


Grupo Planeta

In 2018 Lantia launched its joint imprint with Grupo Planeta, the 6th largest publisher in the world.

With this initiative, Planeta provides any author with a plethora of services previously not available to writers that did not belong to the group, by extending its brand to all self-published authors and providing them with an avenue for publishing their works they ensure no successful author will go unnoticed.


Award winning content

Whatever your genre, EBL has the right combination of skills, expertise and capabilities to place your book into the hands of most readers.


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